Wednesday, October 7, 2009

entry 10- weight for me! Patience is a virtue...

Here I site broken hearted came to shit but only farted! I always liked that one. But today is a new beginning. I am actually awake, earlier then I choose to be but have to get little guy off to school. I decided for my motivation this morning I will sit on the toilet with my new cool laptop! Oh the joy of technology! SO here I sit, patiently playing around online looking for a new ipod to load up with meditations, and low and behold, it just comes out! Yes, back to the poops! I just cant seem to get away from writing about my shits. How lame? And sorry, just had to post yesterdays awesome one! But how relieving to have a flow of streaming consciousness AND a flow of life. So maybe my new thing is laptop craps. OK, I will admit, I cheated a little and had a coffee for the first time in a while. But, a little coffee never hurt anyone. I was able to ween myself off that drug before I began the Isagenix. Which, proud to say I have NOT taken a shake in a few days and I realized thats what was blocking me up! But, I am in the pyramid multi level marketing scam, so I better at least sign a few people up. Oh, just wanna make back half or all of my $500 investment. Yea, sucker maybe, but down 9lbs since I started a month and a half ago! Peace out, ttyl! Oh, any readers yet? Comment anonymous if you dont want to be connected with me, a vulgar shit talking bat hittin in the burbs soon to be soccer mom!

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