Monday, October 12, 2009

Followers Needed!

I am now at the point that I crave followers, and although my counter shows me I have gotten hits, I only have one follower! Come on people, hook a nigga up! Sorry if I offend you. I write to hear myself talk, cause I sometimes wanna blab about things, but would you believe I could have nothing to say at other times. I bet you'll be proud of me, I actually went thru some of my old shit at my parents house and found my thesaurus and dictionary from when I was younger. Now I have the opportunity to flip thru it and develop my vocab so you wont have to listen to me talk in 5th grade words and college slang. Seriously though, I even have a valley girl accent in my head at times. Except of course when I say "hook a nigga up, and follow my blog!" please:) I got a lil story for you but it requires another entry so you will have to wait. Oh, and is it bad to eat the wax edge of the cheese from the block of cheese? If you follow the "combining" theory of eating can you eat chocolate after cheese...join and follow, or at least comment will ya~

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