Saturday, October 3, 2009

entry 6-My lame attempts

In todays busy hustle and bustle it seems like I have not acquired one reader yet and I am really disappointed. But I understand...I need to be found! At least I am being heard- by myself that is!! I am so tired I cant even keep my eyes open. Even the lame attempts at posting this site in chat rooms didn't work. I submitted my blog to search engines and still, feel more lame. If you are the one person that finds me, please let me know! drop me a line, a comment, SOMETHING please! BTW, I ate my ASS off tonight at dinner, and thats exactly what I needed. Some good ole comfort- in food! By now you must think I am some food obsessed crazy fat ass, well your RIGHT!! I could stick my finger in a nutella jar and never come up for air. I would even deep fry a buttered bagel! yum, how good would that be? Oh, I mentioned last time the great cheatbate. That was in regards to everyone's different version or opinion of what constitutes as cheating. Does texting with an ex fall into the "no zone?" Do you have to put yourself in another persons shoes to see just how bad it would be on the other end? Something one might want to think about. If a married woman fools around with another woman is that cheating?

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