Tuesday, October 13, 2009

entry 18-Paolo the Pantie thief

First and foremost I would like to thank those of you who voted for my blog! Also, I show gratitude to my one and only follower, send her love. Now the rest of you Fuck off! Ha, just kidding. But truthfully, its almost 9pm and my eyes are burning. I actually overexerted my body again today but feel good. Ran this morning and vinyasa yoga this eve. Not bad, and I am down 10lbs! That's right fuckers, 10lbs melted off with Isagenix, hard work and being good! So for all the shit I talked about the program, I guess its working. And notice I say "shit"- cause speaking of, yes, sorry again with the shit talks...I went TWICE today! How awesome? and the day ain't over yet. ok, so for the story...

His name I remember clearly, it was Paolo - and you gotta say it with the accent Pahh oh lo or something like that. The way we met was sorta funny, yet typical for me, attracting weird people, weird situations and even weirder people! So I was laying sleeping in a big park on memorial day- not gona mention the park you will probably know it. So I am out cold, in a hangover sleep. I get WOKEN, yes woken out of my sleep by some fucker saying " 'scuse me, may I sit here?" So naturally with my attitude (you don't WAKE me ever, especially to ask to join me when I am hung over) "Uh, if you must, I guess," I replied obnoxiously. Paolo proceeds to sit. I was giving cold shoulder as he tried to speak to me, and I finally gave in. What else was there to do? I was alone on memorial day while all my friends were away partying it up. However I had the cousins wedding the night before (see the post about readyman). So here I am getting chatted up by Paahh oo lo from chile or brazil, dont remember and dont care! Yea, thats how I am. So we end up having lovely conversation, and then we take a walk uptown together to go grab a bite. Yea, I actually left the park with this stranger to go for an early dinner. Go figure. And we ended up having a lovely dinner, in which he paid of course. I can still remember the chocolate cake we had for dessert. Don't remember what else happened that night. But we did go out on another date to a very nice restaurant (ok fine, I will tell you, Asia de cuba) yumm! Lobster mashed potatoes and some beef medallions...I can tell you what I ate at every place I have ever been, sick huh? So we got drunk at dinner, what else is new? We go back to my place and were are fooling around on the couch! I found it quite STRANGE that every few minutes or so he was going into my bathroom and coming back with wet hair! Like he kept wetting it cause he forgot gel or something and didnt see any in my cabinet. Thats right, my shit dont need gel, its naturally perfect hair~ SO were making out on the couch getting a little nasty like almost about to screw but I think I put the breaks on that shit. I came to my senses and had to get this immigrant outta my place ASAP - had my share of uncircumcised dick, and immigrants, so didnt need to add another to my list, especially this beaner. So I push him out the door, probably should have punched him in the face just for the hell of it, but I was nice. And called it a night! I then begin to search the apartment for my panties...now where the hell could they have gone? I am looking in the couch, under the couch and all around. Hmm, so weird. Whatever... I take a hit, munch out and go to bed. Next day or so he calls! Uch, I should have changed my number. "Paolo" I say with a discerning voice. "Jes," he replies. "Did you take my panties?" "Jes, I did. I poot dem in my pocket," he sheepishly admits. "You stole my panties you sick fuck? What the hell is wrong with you?" "I jus wanted souvenir." FREAK!!! So forever your in my heart, Paolo the Pantie Thief- his face has been forgotten but the story lives on!

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